
How To Day Trade For A Living Andrew Aziz

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Sep 23, 2018 rated it really liked it
I'one thousand more experienced with position and swing trading. Before reading this book, I'd done some twenty-four hours trading on my own, with mixed success, but hadn't really thought of trying to brand a living from it. Nonetheless, there are people in the trading group I belong to who exercise just that. They look for the stocks that are getting the most attention in the pre-marketplace (sometimes ones that no sane person would purchase and concur in any great quantity -- meet recent insanity in marijuana stocks), spotter them carefully at the I'k more than experienced with position and swing trading. Before reading this book, I'd washed some day trading on my own, with mixed success, but hadn't really thought of trying to brand a living from it. However, there are people in the trading group I belong to who exercise simply that. They look for the stocks that are getting the most attention in the pre-marketplace (sometimes ones that no sane person would buy and hold in any great quantity -- run across recent insanity in marijuana stocks), watch them advisedly at the open, so spend the day'south session getting in and out of positions, sometimes making hundreds or thousands of dollars a 24-hour interval. It'south not a profession without some bad days, merely for people who know what they're doing, the good days seem to outnumber them. And boy oh boy, does the idea of not belongings positions overnight audio highly-seasoned.

Of course, "knowing what you're doing" is the big asterisk here. If you don't know what you're doing, then you lot're substantially just some random schmuck(-ette) trying to play a full-contact sport on a field full of well-drilled professionals who have no compunctions against body-checking you lot into the mud. That's the metaphor that Andrew Aziz, the author of this book, uses and, in my experience, it'south an apt one. Trading is hard and actually does require the discipline, focus, and nerve of a career athlete. The learning curve is very steep. I suspect that for every 24-hour interval trading millionaire, there's at least one person that gambles abroad everything and swallows a gun.

You can find lots of "stock gurus" plying you with expensive courses that promise can't-fail formulas for pulling riches from the markets, but if it were that easy, a figurer could exercise it, dontcha think? This is a short, no-frills, no-bullshit book that, for a lot less money, promises yous that you *might* exist able to go far every bit a mean solar day trader, if you take the right basic makeup as a person, as well as the fourth dimension and capital that information technology takes to put in a practiced six months of do sessions in forepart of a screen. If you don't, Aziz states, well, tough luck, this isn't for you lot. I figured I'd include that "spoiler", to salve yous the expense of ownership this book if you lot don't meet that criteria. Too, I'd add that y'all probably shouldn't twenty-four hour period trade with less than $50k (United states of america) of capital that yous don't need for anything else, the first $25k of which is required in club to not be handcuffed by the PDT dominion (Aziz, a Canadian resident, isn't subject to information technology).

Anyway, well-nigh of the communication hither, as measured in page count, focuses on setting the right expectations and attitude. Everything he says in terms of the broad picture, I can ostend. Yes, you need to treat trading like a chore, not a hobby, and get upwardly early in the morn. Yep, it's strongly recommended that you accept an practice routine. Yes, you're going to do stupid things sometimes, even though you know better. And, almost importantly (I think), y'all need a community of fellow traders. Without "teammates", even ones in a chat room, you'll miss a lot of opportunities and insights. And yous'll get completely nuts.

The cadre of the book covers, at a pretty brisk stride, the essential tools, techniques, strategies, and all-time practices. Aziz discusses the psychology of the markets, the concept of "stocks in play" (those that traders are converging on, ofttimes over some piece of news or an earnings report), and the reality of an environment in which computers are doing a lot of the trading. He goes into charting, trendlines, candlesticks, cardinal indicators (I agree that the VWAP is essential), and significant nautical chart patterns. He provides a quick overview of about x pop strategies (e.g. ABCD patterns, Bull Flag, Reversal, Moving Boilerplate, ORB) and some thoughts on when each makes sense. He emphasizes (correctly) that the strategies aren't algorithms, only are more similar chess strategies, football plays, or military tactics -- you lot have to have the gut sense for which is advisable to a given situation and there'due south no style to develop that except through exercise. He offers some good tips on how to prepare a trading programme in the morning, with contingencies based on the stock's initial moves.

I felt that the book could have covered sure topics in a little more depth. Aziz mentions using stock scanners, but says very niggling about how he configures his. That was a bit annoying. He repeatedly emphasizes that swing trading and mean solar day trading are dissimilar, therefore he doesn't need to discuss the former, but my experience tells me that monitoring stock for swing trade setups often leads to day merchandise opportunities (eastward.thou. a stock that has a abrupt bounce day after a crash day, or a trending stock that pulls back to exam back up before going higher)

All in all, a very helpful book for me, only I wouldn't call information technology a "For Dummies"-type guide. Readers don't know very much about stocks in general or who want a lot of paw-property might be better served by a championship from that line. This is more of a guide for self-starters who have already investigated 24-hour interval trading, but need someone more experienced to put the pieces together for them. A few lite bulbs will probably go on. Some readers accept complained that Aziz promotes his ain chat room, but since he strongly recommends signing upward for *a* conversation room (for good reason, IMO), that didn't seem out of line to me.

This is subject matter that doesn't necessarily lend itself to an audiobook, but I was familiar with nearly of the terminology and the writing is clear plenty that cypher was hard for me to visualize. The diagrams are all available here -- indeed, previewing them might tell you if this is the book you want.

PS. If you want to run into a agglomeration of videos of experienced day traders doing their thing, search youtube for:
Connor Pollifrone, the Banality Room
Marker the Meerkat, Grok Trades

You'll notice that they often don't hold positions for more than a few minutes, sometimes fifty-fifty mere seconds.

Girish Joshi
May 10, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Allow me say information technology out beginning: this book won't make you a successful day-trader. Only this book will prepare you for your journey towards learning more most 24-hour interval-trading. If day-trading is a universe you are looking to explore and so, definitely this book is i of the places you won't regret visiting. Once you are here, y'all'll realize the departure in the mindset of a trader and an investor. Novices to technical analysis will notice themselves a bit lost however since for the purposes of brevity this boo Allow me say it out first: this book won't brand you a successful day-trader. Simply this book volition set up you lot for your journey towards learning more about mean solar day-trading. If twenty-four hour period-trading is a universe you are looking to explore and so, definitely this volume is one of the places you won't regret visiting. Once yous are hither, yous'll realize the divergence in the mindset of a trader and an investor. Novices to technical analysis will observe themselves a bit lost however since for the purposes of brevity this book won't explicate what is MACD? or what is ATR? or what is RSI? Andrew would exit you on your own to figure that out. I would recommend that yous make yourself enlightened of the nuances of technical analysis before you begin reading this book.

I'm sharing my notes from this book here, y'all may at present terminate reading this review if you don't desire the spoilers. All the same go ahead if you lot'd like a gist of what this book talks about:

Risk Management

Success in twenty-four hour period trading comes from risk management - finding low-adventure entries with a high potential reward. The minimum win:lose ratio for me is 2:1."

Y'all must avoid stocks that:

(1) are heavily traded past computers and institutional traders,
(2) accept small relative trading book,
(3) are penny stocks and are therefore highly manipulated, and
(4) don't take whatever reason to motility (no fundamental catalysts).

Three-Step Hazard Management

Pace 1: Determine your maximum dollar hazard for the trade you're planning (never more than 2% of your business relationship). Summate this before your trading twenty-four hours starts.

Footstep two: Estimate your maximum risk per share, the strategy finish loss, in dollars, from your entry. This comes from the strategies set out in Chapter 7, where I explain in each strategy what the stop loss should be.

Step 3: Divide "1" by "2" to notice the absolute maximum number of shares you are allowed to trade each time.

For Example:

Step one: Let's say my trading upper-case letter is Rs 1,00,000. Accordingly, the 2% rule will limit my chance on any merchandise to Rs 2,000.

Stride 2: Using my strategy I can estimate the maximum take a chance per share. This number is calculated as Buy Price - Stop Loss. Assuming that this number is Rs xx for my instance.

Pace iii: Rs two,000 / Rs 20 = 100 shares. I can safely trade 100 shares in this case.

"Remember, y'all can always risk less, but you lot are not immune to adventure more than two% of your account under any circumstance."

"Trading needs do and I strongly recommend that new traders paper trade under supervision for at least three months in a live simulated account."

"A key reason why many traders fail is that they take negative events and losses in trading personally. Their confidence and peace of mind are connected to their trading results. When traders practise well, they feel good. When they encounter losses, they become discouraged, hundred-to-one, and frustrated, questioning themselves, their strategy, and their career. Instead of dealing directly and constructively with their losses, they react to the emotions triggered by personalizing the events."

"Successful traders are those who trade for skill and not for the coin. Nearly all professional traders hibernate their unrealized Profit and Loss (P&50) column while in a trade. They have no involvement in seeing how much they are upwardly or down. They focus on the perfect execution of a turn a profit target or a stop loss level. Consistently profitable traders accept every negative or positive trade they make as an opportunity to improve themselves."


Physical and Mental Health are important. Eat well balanced nutritional meals, exercise, maintain body weight, fitness levels, get acceptable rest.

"One of the fundamentals yous must acquire from this book is that every 24-hour interval trading strategy comes with a stop loss level and you must stop out from stocks that trade against your strategy."

"Many traders recollect a good trading twenty-four hour period is a positive solar day. Wrong. A skillful trading solar day is a day that y'all were disciplined, traded sound strategies, and did non violate whatever trading rules. "

How to Find Stock for Trades

"You are only as expert equally the stocks you merchandise."

Stocks in Play

• A stock with fresh news
• A stock that is up or down more ii% earlier the market Open
• A stock that has unusual pre-market trading action
• A stock that develops of import intraday levels which we can trade-off from

Cardinal Catalysts

• Earnings reports
• Earnings warnings/pre-announcements
• Earnings surprises
• FDA approvals/disapprovals
• Mergers/acquisitions
• Alliances/partnerships/major production releases
• Major contract wins/losses
• Restructurings/layoffs/direction changes
• Stock splits/buybacks/debt offerings

Float and Marketplace Cap

"Trading low float stocks is very hard for the new trader. It is difficult to read the direction of their next move and therefore they are very hard to manage your hazard while trading them. I discourage new traders from trading low float stocks. When the new trader is wrong, the loss is such that it wipes out many gains."

"The 2d category is medium bladder stocks in the range of $ten-$100. These stocks have medium floats of around 10 one thousand thousand to 500 million shares. Many of my strategies explained in this volume work well on these stocks, especially the VWAP and Support or Resistance Strategies. Medium float stocks that are more expensive than $100 are not popular amidst retail day traders and I myself avoid them. You normally cannot buy many shares of them because of their high price. Therefore, it is basically useless to day trade them. Get out them for the institutional traders."

"The third category of stocks for trading is mega cap stocks like Apple, Alibaba, Yahoo, Microsoft and Home Depot. These are well-established companies that commonly take over $500 one thousand thousand in public shares available for trading. These stocks are traded in millions of shares every day. As you may judge, these stocks move merely when big institutional traders, investment banks, and hedge funds are buying or selling large positions. Retail traders similar us, who typically merchandise 100 to 1,000 shares, ordinarily cannot motion the price of these stocks. Retail traders should avoid these stocks unless there is a skilful central catalyst for them. From the strategies ready forth in Chapter 7, Reversals and Moving Average Strategies usually work well on these stocks. Do not forget though, unless there is a fundamental goad, these stocks are being heavily traded past computers and high-frequency traders and are not suitable for retail day trading."

Pre-Market place Gappers

• Stocks that in the pre-market gapped up or down at least 2%
• Stocks that have traded at least 50,000 shares in the pre-market place
• Stocks that have an boilerplate daily volume of over 500,000 shares
• Stocks that have Average True Range of at least fifty cents (how large of a range a stock has on average every day)
• There is a key goad for the stock
• Equally a rule, I do not merchandise stocks with an enormous brusk interest higher than 30% (the short interest is the quantity of stock shares that investors or traders have sold short but not yet covered or closed out)

"A loftier short interest indicates traders or investors call up a stock's price is likely to fall. But the challenge with high brusk interest is that these stocks are more prone to a brusque squeeze past bullish investors and traders. A curt clasp occurs when brusque sellers panic and are scrambling to return their borrowed shares, forcing prices to increase quickly and dangerously. You practise non want to be stuck brusque in a short squeeze."

Real-Time Intraday Scans

• Have gapped up or down at to the lowest degree $1
• Have ATR of more than than 50 cents
• Have boilerplate relative volume of at to the lowest degree 1.5 (the stock is trading at 1.five times its normal volume)
• Have average daily trading book of at to the lowest degree 500,000 shares

"I will also accept a await at the sector of stocks. If I accept a few stocks in i sector, in that location is a good chance that these stocks are non in play. They have high relative volume because their sector is under heavy trading by institutional traders. It is important to know that stocks usually merchandise with their sector. For example, when oil stocks are selling off, near all of the oil companies sell off. Therefore, it is of import to recognize Stocks in Play from the herd. Recollect, you are merely as skillful every bit the stock you trade, so if you are the best trader in the world, simply in a wrong stock, you will lose money."

Indicators on my Charts

1. Price activity in the grade of candlesticks
2. Volume of shares being traded
3. 9 Exponential Moving Average (ix EMA)
4. twenty Exponential Moving Boilerplate (20 EMA)
five. l Uncomplicated Moving Average (l SMA)
6. 200 Uncomplicated Moving Boilerplate (200 SMA)
7. Book Weighted Boilerplate Price (VWAP)
viii. Previous twenty-four hours'south closing price
nine. Daily levels of support or resistance

I keep the colour of all my moving average indicators in grey except VWAP which is colored in blue. VWAP is the nigh important day trading indicator and needs to be easily and apace distinguished from other moving averages. I don't desire to accept a lot of colors on my charts so I maintain a white background with by and large red and blackness coloring.

Market Orders

"Buy me at any price! Now!"
"Sell me at any price! Now!"

Limit Orders

"Buy me at this cost just! Not higher!"
"Sell me at this price only! Not lower!"

Marketable Limit Orders

"Buy me now, but up to this price! Not higher!"
"Sell me at present, but downwards to this price! Non lower!"

Acquire Hotkeys!

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Green candles indicate buying pressure. Red candles point selling pressure. At that place are three types of people in the market place: a) Buyers b) Sellers and c) Undecided.

Bid-ask spread is the difference betwixt what buyers are ready to pay for a stock and what sellers are willing to accept for the same stock.

The goal of successful day trading is to place whether buyers are in command or whether sellers are in control, and then make a calculated motility, at the appropriate time, apace and stealthily.

Price activity means reading the candlesticks to generate an opinion on the general attitude for the stock.

Must know candlesticks:

a) Bullish Candlesticks
b) Bearish Candlesticks
c) Indecision Candlesticks:
a. Spinning Acme
b. Doji
i. Unproblematic
2. Shooting Star: Seller's may take control
iii. Hammer: Buyer'southward may take control

Trading Strategies

Based on:

a) Price Action
b) Technical Indicators
c) Candlesticks and Chart Patterns

The writer prefers to merchandise on 5-min charts, and too monitors 1-infinitesimal charts.

You must master only a few solid setups to exist consistently assisting. Uncomplicated trading methods reduce confusion and stress and allow you lot to concentrate on the psychological aspect of trading.

Trade Management:

For $x-$fifty price range, the author prefers to have a trade size of 800 shares

i. I buy 400 shares.
ii. If trade goes in my favor, I add another 400 shares (note that I add into my winning position, not into losing one).
3. I sell 400 shares in the first target, bringing my end loss to intermission-even (my entry indicate).
iv. I sell another 200 shares in the side by side target point.
5. I usually go along the concluding 200 shares until I am stopped out. I always retain some shares in case the prices keep moving in my favor.

For $fifty-$100 price range, the writer reduces the trade size to 400 shares.

Also, you lot tin can enter a trade small, with say 100 shares and and then add to your position in various steps.

Never average down losing positions. When something is selling off, you actually practice not know if it will be a massive bear market until you come across the charts. And sadly, you cannot encounter the charts until it is likewise late, non until later on the sell off is finished.

Strategy ane: ABCD Pattern

Strategy ii: Bull Flag Momentum

Strategy 3 & 4: Reversal Trading

Strategy v: Moving Average Trend Trading

Strategy 6: VWAP Trading

Strategy seven: Support or Resistance Trading

Strategy eight: Red-to-Green Trading

Strategy 9: Open Range Breakout

Remember that the market place is always going to exist there, you don't need to blitz this.

Trading Strategy Based on the Time of Day

Open: outset i.5 hours

• Bull Flag Momentum and VWAP trades tend to be the all-time strategies for open.


• Market is slow. Worst time of day to trade. There is less volume and liquidity.
• Reversal, VWAP, Moving Boilerplate, and Support or Resistance trades tend to be the all-time strategies for the Mid-day.
• Never trade Bull Flag Momentum in Mid-day or at shut.

Shut: concluding 1 hour

• Stocks are more directional, and so I stick with those that are trending upward or down in the last hr of the trading twenty-four hours.
• VWAP, Support or Resistance, and Moving Average trades tend to be the all-time strategies for the close.

You are not allowed to lose more than xxx% of what y'all have fabricated in the Open during Mid-day and the Shut.

Step-by-Step to a Successful Trade

i. Morning Routine: Waking up on early, physical workout (like running), good breakfast.
ii. Build a Watchlist.
three. Organize a Trade Plan. (entry, get out, and stop loss)
4. Initiate the Trade according to the Trade Programme.
v. Execute the Merchandise according to the Trade Plan.
6. Journaling and Reflection.

Question you must ask:

• Who is in control of the price: the buyers or the sellers?
• What technical levels are most of import?
• Is the stock stronger or weaker than the marketplace?
• Where is most of the volume being traded? At the VWAP? Or the first five minutes? Or near moving averages?
• How much volume at a price causes the stock to move upwardly or downward?
• What is the bid-ask spread? Is information technology tradeable?
• How apace does the stock move? Is it being traded smoothly or is it inclement, jumping up and downwards with every trade?
• Is the stock trading in a detail design on a 5-minute chart? How is the stock being traded on a 1-minute chart?

All of this data should be gathered before you make any trade.

Trading teaches you a lot well-nigh yourself, about your mental weaknesses, and nigh your strengths.

Rahul H
4.5 Stars

A no balderdash shit book, which if thoughtfully applied, with continuous learning, patience and perseverance tin make groovy fortunes. I am notwithstanding a novice in stock market. I hope I could apply what I learnt from this book, looking forward to read the 2nd part of this.

Jan 28, 2018 rated it information technology was amazing
While reading, I kept thinking this was going to get a 4 star rating from me because it was a lilliputian long winded and repetitive for my taste, simply I assume the author merely seeks to emphasize his hardest-earned lessons. The back-up really makes it easier to go back and observe specific advice as at that place are multiple places you can refer to, this reduces valuable search time!
I definitely learned a lot from this book, and it confirmed some of my hunches on how to trade in daily markets effectively.
While reading, I kept thinking this was going to get a iv star rating from me because it was a little long winded and repetitive for my taste, but I presume the author only seeks to emphasize his hardest-earned lessons. The redundancy actually makes it easier to go back and detect specific advice as there are multiple places yous can refer to, this reduces valuable search time!
I definitely learned a lot from this book, and it confirmed some of my hunches on how to trade in daily markets finer. It'south very well organized and features a neat section (Chapter 7) that describes basic trading strategies, each of which have been tried and tested over the years. I was impressed with how recent the instance trades were which increased my confidence in the relevance of the info.
I felt this was a great intro for me every bit someone who previously knew very little nearly trading stocks. At the stop y'all'll observe a convenient list that details the writer's personal "rules" of day trading.
...more than
November 13, 2018 rated it actually liked it
Pretty good intro to daytrading. It is very newbie friendly. Teaches you how the brokers, executing programs work. What to look in them.

The meat of the book is the setups and his entry/exit system. I dubiety you will find anything else much useful.

You can read the book but his main daytrading strategies are reversals lesser/top around resistance./support, momentum gap up on heavy volume, trading effectually the wvap for shorting/long indication, abcd set, trendline trading(trading along a sma or ema

Pretty good intro to daytrading. Information technology is very newbie friendly. Teaches you how the brokers, executing programs work. What to wait in them.

The meat of the book is the setups and his entry/exit arrangement. I doubt you volition observe anything else much useful.

You can read the book but his main daytrading strategies are reversals bottom/top around resistance./support, momentum gap up on heavy volume, trading around the wvap for shorting/long indication, abcd set up up, trendline trading(trading along a sma or ema) and thats it.

His favorite is the vwap. It is very simple merely for day trading it works fine.

Anyone interested in trading for a longer period will detect nothing useful hither.

There isn't any depth to the book. So you lot won't larn some fundamental mechanics of the market or some really niche advanced setups. Still good for learning about some bones market setups. You can look at a nautical chart and encounter what other traders are seeing.

I prefer trading for longer periods of time as virtually institutional traders practise. But for daytrading this is a very simple fast book to read.

...more than
May 20, 2022 rated it really liked information technology
Looks similar I am finally being an adult given that I am reading books on stock market!

This is the first book I have always read on stock market. So I have zippo to compare it to. Understandably, a lot of the terminology was very very new, yet was able to understand quite a bit of it. I estimate that says that the volume is beginner friendly to an extent. Only when I put into exercise can I annotate on whatsoever of the practical wisdom shared in this volume :)

April 26, 2018 rated information technology liked it
information technology is one of those random moment to suffice my thirst near investment, stock market place etc. I was in a huge need to really empathize what kind of animal '24-hour interval merchandise' is, and how much different information technology is than 'investment' in general.
I volition be lying if i said that i fully grasp the book, at the very least, i exercise experience acquainted with some of the those fancy trading terms, the typical twenty-four hour period trade globe, tips & dominion to be a profitable trader. Although, i dont recall i call up any of them anymore past now...wel
it is one of those random moment to suffice my thirst about investment, stock market etc. I was in a huge demand to actually sympathise what kind of animal 'day trade' is, and how much different it is than 'investment' in general.
I will be lying if i said that i fully grasp the book, at the very to the lowest degree, i exercise feel acquainted with some of the those fancy trading terms, the typical day trade world, tips & dominion to exist a profitable trader. Although, i dont think i remember any of them anymore by now...well perhaps, it was mainly becuase i did not intent to remember.
Reading this book, perhaps just enough to accept proper conversation with real trader, and at best, it give me a clear warning and helping me a lot in firming my decision. I dont call up i can cope with more stress past adding 24-hour interval trade to my life amidst its promising future opportunity, giving the fact that twenty-four hours trader will lose coin (lot of it), long term process of skill (not and so sure if there is whatever way to decipher those skill other than, do simulation, merchandise advisedly, and with time hopefully you'll become consistent turn a profit than not).
...more than
Aug 15, 2020 rated it really liked it
I like it, a quick read.
Unlike other books on the same topic I have meet, this isn't dishing the self help mantra merely rather it took each chapter with believable feelings that the author knew his craft and was illustrating from experience.
In addition this was such a quick read which on its own means for me to ever apply any nuggets from this book I must reread information technology and extract points and practices which once again certainly requires me searching for more than resource.
That said, equally intrigued every bit I h
I like it, a quick read.
Different other books on the same topic I have come up across, this isn't dishing the cocky help mantra but rather it took each affiliate with conceivable feelings that the author knew his arts and crafts and was illustrating from experience.
In addition this was such a quick read which on its own ways for me to ever apply whatsoever nuggets from this book I must reread information technology and extract points and practices which over again certainly requires me searching for more than resources.
That said, as intrigued as I have been on the stock market I find myself realising there'due south a lot of work that these traders do and if one doesn't take the patience and skills perhaps go notice another interests or occupation.
Apr 17, 2021 rated information technology really liked it
Very well laid plans for beginners who want to brainstorm at that place career in trading. Breaking myths and misconceptions for impulsive traders. More than than ownership and selling, it's more of import how you deal with your risk and rewards.
Day trading is non a hobby or casual'south a "SERIOUS Business organization".
Very well laid plans for beginners who want to brainstorm in that location career in trading. Breaking myths and misconceptions for impulsive traders. More than buying and selling, information technology's more important how you bargain with your risk and rewards.
Twenty-four hours trading is not a hobby or casual trading...information technology's a "SERIOUS BUSINESS".
Mar 22, 2021 rated it really liked information technology
Overall, a solid book for getting started every bit a mean solar day trader. He covers a handful of setups that piece of work well for twenty-four hour period trading and covers a number of "rules" every bit well. For example, he suggests never risking more 2% of your account balance on any single trade. This has a very specific meaning that'due south slightly different than a surface-level reading. Anyway, I would recommend this as a daytrading primer. Overall, a solid book for getting started as a day trader. He covers a handful of setups that work well for day trading and covers a number of "rules" likewise. For example, he suggests never risking more 2% of your account balance on whatsoever single trade. This has a very specific meaning that's slightly different than a surface-level reading. Anyway, I would recommend this as a daytrading primer. ...more
Trustin Yoon
Decent fundamentals and strategies for beginner traders. Fifty-fifty as an intermediate trader I was able to takeaway a few central insights most indicators that I utilise on a daily basis but did non completely understand the math behind. Aziz does a good job making information technology piece of cake to empathize the basic mass psychology behind intraday price movements.
Sanchit Agarwal
A practical and balanced overview of day trades for beginners. Not directly applicable to Indian markets in its entirety but the fundamental and emotional rules presented for mean solar day trading are gems of wisdom. Must read for anyone who thinks day trading is a license to print coin.
Aziz Aladib
Love hereafter Day traders,

This book is more like a self-help book rather than learning how to twenty-four hour period merchandise. However, I think the book is informative for beginners and easy to follow. I liked the lifestyle of the author and his mode of thinking, still there's so much to read and practice before achieving the goal of this book.

To conclude, this book helped me with manner of thinking which is a very important topic in trading, but information technology left me more than confused nearly what I would do on the trading platform next t

Dear future Mean solar day traders,

This volume is more like a self-help book rather than learning how to twenty-four hours trade. Withal, I recall the book is informative for beginners and easy to follow. I liked the lifestyle of the author and his way of thinking, yet at that place's so much to read and practice before achieving the goal of this book.

To conclude, this book helped me with style of thinking which is a very important topic in trading, but it left me more confused about what I would practise on the trading platform next time.

Rakshit Tiwari
May 17, 2021 rated information technology actually liked information technology
Most of the books in the domain of technical assay deal either with the hardcore psychological approach to trading or also complicated mathematical arroyo to markets. Aziz has done a great job in maintaining the balance of the 2 in this volume and has written a bully guide for beginners. It starts with explaining the life of a trader, his mindset and slowly takes a dive into some strategies that are used commonly and can be understood easily past anyone.

A no-nonsense read and a good one for p

About of the books in the domain of technical analysis deal either with the hardcore psychological arroyo to trading or too complicated mathematical approach to markets. Aziz has done a bang-up chore in maintaining the balance of the 2 in this book and has written a great guide for beginners. Information technology starts with explaining the life of a trader, his mindset and slowly takes a swoop into some strategies that are used commonly and can exist understood hands by anyone.

A no-nonsense read and a practiced one for people who desire to start their journey into day trading or at least start reading near it.

...more than
This is a very informative book and includes insights helpful to a variety of investor types (in add-on to mean solar day traders). At that place are a few editing issues just it doesn't detract from the content's usefulness.
Zohra Fathima
This book was bachelor on kindle for a very minor amount of money nevertheless it is a book worth of paying much more especially if you are new to trading and want to learn more in lodge to get a basic thought of things. Being a book hoarder, I bought this book when it was on sale on kindle for i.99$. The benefit to owning a kindle copy is that y'all can highlight sections and view just those highlights or share and reread your notes and highlights forth the way when you need a little refresher.

This book was

This book was available on kindle for a very small corporeality of money yet it is a book worth of paying much more specially if you are new to trading and want to learn more than in club to go a basic idea of things. Beingness a book hoarder, I bought this book when information technology was on sale on kindle for ane.99$. The benefit to owning a kindle re-create is that y'all tin can highlight sections and view only those highlights or share and reread your notes and highlights forth the manner when you need a lilliputian refresher.

This book was written with the idea that if a reader is already familiar with the basics, they tin can skip to the more pressing parts of the volume. The first few chapters are only that. Chapter 6 onwards, he brings out the trading strategies and indicators that he uses to brand a move.

He stresses that mindset is a very important matter, and then is discipline and sticking to the programme. The author clearly distinguishes betwixt investing and trading. Several people enter the stock market place (ie the stock market is a prime number example) without being clear on what it is they are trying to do apart from growing their money.

He asks if we want to day merchandise (ie enter our positions during the first few hours of the market opening and close our positions in the stock market before the market closes?) in which case you're a legit 24-hour interval trader... or hold onto the position for a longer period of time, ie overnight or more, in which case y'all're swing trading. In either category, you're still not INVESTING merely trading. Trading is laborious, and a much more difficult task. He mentions clearly that there is a difference in strategy for each. You'll demand more than time and teaching if you're going to be a trader.

He explains the cardinal divergence betwixt trading and investing. He cautions us not go into a trade with the thought of making money and balk we they get wrecked. It's a competitive world out at that place. He talks almost how retail traders can profit being effectually other retail traders, he says do not trade stocks dominated by HFT or institutions. He especially points out that sharing knowledge and strategy with other retail traders simply makes those strategies stronger and we volition non only be doing ourselves a favor but others in the market likewise. He says programmers that accept written software to carry out HFT for institutional players exercise not have any knowledge of trading strategies notwithstanding there are patterns, indicators and strategies that one can use to beat even the institutional traders. It takes dandy learning, practice and experience. The authors view is very positive, success is something that can exist honed.

He describes the necessary tools one needs to be able to exercise this. You lot'll demand Stocktwits, a free trading view account at the very least, and a customs of traders in order to profit from trading. This book will make more sense and seem less wordy if you are going to put what he says into practice, all the same we will brand mistakes along the style. It'due south a skilled hand that tin employ all of what he says to their trades and information technology takes years of experience. He says serious study is required before you merchandise with large sums of money else, all you are doing is gambling.. and if yous make a few wins, you are merely getting lucky.

I'm going to be reading this book cover to encompass, and will peculiarly pay more attention to the parts that draw indicators and chart patterns and when they are to be used.

He talks virtually good coin direction, and the importance of sticking to a programme, to have divers entry and exit points earlier getting into a merchandise ie to have a plan of action that y'all tell yourself to stick to. He says that he's not promising 100% success simply success tin be primed to occur almost of the time and we must come to accept our losses for what they are and move on. He distinguishes between day trading and swing trading too. I consider myself a swing trader, sometimes I mean solar day trade simply non frequently or always. I have been guilty of belongings a position too long in hopes that the cost activeness will bounce back. He discusses such thinking and relates in easy to empathise terms that realizing a minor loss is improve than a bigger loss which may take longer to recover from.

All of this sounds true, and I found myself silently like-minded as I skimmed through these first few chapters. I'll updated my review equally I go to the meat and bones of the book, which is the aspects on technicals.

Apr xxx, 2021 rated information technology information technology was amazing
The best day trading book out at that place, I've recommended it to more traders than I tin count
Nicos Miltiadous
Before this book I was a deer in trading head lights, now I feel I take a stable ground to piece of work from! Honestly easier to read and empathize than most fiction books.
Apr 12, 2022 rated it information technology was amazing
Uncomplicated wording, clear, no bullshit, on betoken!! Perfect book for 24-hour interval trading beginners, too easy for intermediate traders.
kilaparthy sivanand akhil
Concise and honest book. Anyone interested in learning virtually stocks. Should read information technology
Ferhat Elmas
May 13, 2022 rated it really liked it
A good list of strategies and principles coupled with carefully highlighted warnings, useful for less experienced.
Kody Dibble
May 23, 2021 rated it it was astonishing
Bang-up read...Very detailed plan and execution of a day trader career.
Mar 19, 2021 rated information technology liked it
This book has some actually adept tips and tricks but also alot of knowledge I already had. A solid book for beginners.
Michael Estevez
It'southward a good book for those who want to know how the market moves and who your competitors are. Maybe non the best for more than avant-garde traders
December 26, 2017 rated it really liked it
Andrew's commencement book on day trading (DT), it's an in-depth introduction to solar day trading to help you know where to start and how to launch your career equally day trader. He explains everything from how DT works, run a risk & money management, trading psychology (the #1 success cistron for DT and virtually difficult to master), how to find the right stocks to merchandise (stocks in play), tools (brokers, scanners, real time market place data, NASDAQ Level 2, trading platforms, indicators, buy and sell orders, hotkeys to speed up yo Andrew's first book on day trading (DT), it's an in-depth introduction to day trading to assistance you know where to start and how to launch your career as day trader. He explains everything from how DT works, chance & money management, trading psychology (the #1 success factor for DT and almost difficult to primary), how to notice the right stocks to trade (stocks in play), tools (brokers, scanners, real time marketplace data, NASDAQ Level 2, trading platforms, indicators, buy and sell orders, hotkeys to speed upwardly your trading, watchlists & community of traders) candlesticks, to DT strategies, a step by step guide to DT and Andrew's 11 Rules of Twenty-four hour period Trading. Every DT strategy includes entry, exit / profit target and terminate loss, as well fundamental hints to discover them.

Andrew's DT style is based on Cost ACTION. As for DT indicators, Andrew uses only these ix:

1. Cost action (candlesticks)
2. Volume (shares being traded)
iii. ix Exponential Moving Average (nine EMA)
4. 20 Exponential Moving Average (xx EMA)
five. l Simple Moving Average (50 SMA)
half dozen. 200 Simple Moving Average (200 SMA)
7. Volume Weighted Average Toll (VWAP, key indicator for DT)
8. Previous day's endmost price
9. Daily levels of support or resistance

This means that y'all can begin using these proven indicators useful in DT and skip others like MACD, oscillators, stochastics, Bolllinger Bands, Fibonacci levels, etc. as some indicators are redundant and volition clog you charts. "Indicators indicate, don't dictate" - Andrew Aziz.

This is a very pragmatic guide, you won't discover lots of definitions similar what is a stock, stock market, exchanges, etc. Y'all'll notice very practical communication and everyday hints that volition help you to start your twenty-four hours trader career and go along live your account. For example, Andrew share his preferences of charting (colors, time frames, etc.) How it's amend to apply wired keyboard and mouse every bit y'all won't desire to run out of batteries in the middle of a trade, how having a spare keyboard and mouse is a very good idea, and as well a fill-in net connection and an emergency power source (UPS).

Andrew is very honest about DT every bit a very risky concern and how you need a proper preparation, practice and time to become profitable day trader. Your outset milestone afterwards a 3 calendar month practice in simulator volition exist to find out if DT it's for you or not. Andrew tin't be more than clear in this book: Twenty-four hour period trading is not a strategy to get rich quickly and twenty-four hours trading is non like shooting fish in a barrel: It is a serious business, and you lot should treat information technology as such.

By reading his book, and knowing him via e-mail and chatroom, it'southward clear to me that he is an honest and straightforward guy. You won't see him showing off an exotic life fashion with expensive cars, money pallets, big houses and trading form his smartphone in the beach, facades used by some "traders" and "educators" to attract newbies pursuing a quick and easy way to make lots of money from penny accounts. This is priceless equally a lot of DT "educators" are colluded with fraudulent brokers to get your money in their pockets.

Banter  Shack
Merely finished reading this and tin can't mutter any. Aziz explains the fundamentals of day trading in a clear, comprehendible manner and with efficiency. Some of the middle chapters were full of numbers, charts and overwhelming terminologies, however, in that location is a perfectly adequate glossary at the back of the book. I believe that with a second read and some application of the cognition, 1 volition find themselves in possession of a well-rounded, preliminary education of the trader's sphere. Re Just finished reading this and tin't complain whatsoever. Aziz explains the fundamentals of 24-hour interval trading in a articulate, comprehendible style and with efficiency. Some of the eye chapters were total of numbers, charts and overwhelming terminologies, even so, there is a perfectly acceptable glossary at the back of the book. I believe that with a second read and some application of the cognition, one will find themselves in possession of a well-rounded, preliminary education of the trader'southward sphere. Recommended! ...more than
Mike Martos
May 15, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Loved the Volume, easy language and shows techniques that could be easily used. Noted problems I had when I solar day traded based on the book.
Josh Gatewood
Solid fundamentals explained and also some nice strategies that take helped me learn how to trade.

Recommend this book peculiarly if you lot are a rookie like me.

Jovaughn Brown
How to Day Trade for a Living was a great reality bank check in the confront of the hype surrounding trading platforms similar Robinhood. Millenials are flocking to that site because of their streamlined user interface, supplemental features, and of grade, committee-costless trading. I've been dabbling in the stock market place with Robinhood for nearly two years at present and have been wondering what day-trading actually consists of.

What I learned very quickly through this volume is that day-trading probably isn't for me.

How to Twenty-four hours Trade for a Living was a groovy reality check in the confront of the hype surrounding trading platforms like Robinhood. Millenials are flocking to that site because of their streamlined user interface, supplemental features, and of class, commission-free trading. I've been dabbling in the stock market with Robinhood for most two years now and take been wondering what day-trading actually consists of.

What I learned very quickly through this volume is that day-trading probably isn't for me. Like Andrew Aziz says, day-trading is not to be taken lightly. It should be seen as a full-time career that one needs to railroad train months or even years for. In other words, you should set to become a mean solar day-trader the aforementioned manner yous'd set up for whatever high-paying career: past running through the educational gauntlet and practicing every day. Since I personally don't have the time nor volition to get a serious 24-hour interval-trader, I shouldn't waste matter whatsoever corporeality of resources pretending be one.

Despite being rightfully scared away from day-trading thanks to this book, it still provided me with best practices and terminology to help me with the casual trading that I however exercise. The book is very quick and easy to read and contains invaluable advice. In fact, I am planning on reading Aziz'south other book, How To Swing Trade, since that is the trading style that seems to better suit me.

...more than
Tanmay Jadhav
Feb 04, 2018 rated it actually liked it
My first trading book and i'k glad it was.

This volume is all about simplicity and finesse. That i believe is what most people out there lack and hence fail. It tells you how trading is an individual exercise that presents endless opportunities but requires a articulate minded devotion to the skill and not a desire to make money.

The book has a beautiful flow that explains most strategies and indicators flawlessly with examples that help y'all visualize the trades and experiences.

I'd definitely tag this

My first trading volume and i'm glad it was.

This book is all about simplicity and finesse. That i believe is what nigh people out there lack and hence fail. It tells you how trading is an individual exercise that presents endless opportunities merely requires a clear minded devotion to the skill and not a desire to make money.

The book has a cute flow that explains about strategies and indicators flawlessly with examples that help y'all visualize the trades and experiences.

I'd definitely tag this as a must read for anybody starting out.


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"Equally a day trader, you shouldn't intendance about companies and their earnings. Day traders are non concerned about what companies exercise or what they make. Your attending should simply be on toll action, technical indicators and chart patterns. I know more stock symbols than the names of actual companies." — 0 likes
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